All-in-one 4MP ultra low-profile vandal dome IP camera with 4.0mm fixed lens and IR
Model: DWC-MF4Wi4C2, DWC-MF4Wi4C1, DWC-MF4Wi4C6
The MEGApix® CaaS™ series (Camera as a Server) combines the quality of MEGApix cameras with the ease and power of DW Spectrum® IPVMS pre-loaded and on-board storage, MAKING EACH CaaS™ CAMERA ITS OWN SELF-CONTAINED VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM!
Each CaaS camera includes the DW Spectrum IPVMS server software and a recording license. No additional server hardware is required, making MEGApix CaaS an easy and cost-effective way to deploy high-definition IP video systems in small installations. Easily manage all your DW Spectrum systems with the DW® Cloud™ online portal.